How to upgrade opencart 3 to 4?: A Step-by-Step Guide

For entrepreneurs and developers alike, keeping their online store at the technological forefront is paramount. Undertaking an OpenCart upgrade can unlock new features, enhance security, and improve overall store performance, effectively boosting your business.

With the much-anticipated release of OpenCart 4, it’s critical to understand not just the ‘how,’ but also the ‘why’ of upgrading to the latest OpenCart version. The significance of staying current with OpenCart updates can’t be overstated—doing so ensures you leverage the latest advancements in eCommerce technology to stay competitive and meet evolving customer expectations.

Our purpose in offering this guide is to streamline your OpenCart upgrade process, eliminating any guesswork and setting you on a clear path to success. We’ll meticulously walk you through each step, from backing up your current OpenCart store to post-update configuration, ensuring that you are equipped with the knowledge to handle upgrading OpenCart with confidence.

Attention will also be devoted to testing and troubleshooting common post-upgrade issues, culminating in our conclusion that will have you looking forward to the benefits of your OpenCart migration. With an authoritative and helpful approach, we aim to simplify the process of how to upgrade OpenCart, giving you a comprehensive roadmap to embrace the latest in OpenCart’s offerings.

How to update opencart 3 to 4?

If you are using Opencart 1, 2, or 3, please note that updating to version 4 can be a complex process. This is due to several significant changes:

  • Renewed System: Version 4 has completely changed in terms of structure and operation.
  • Extension Compatibility: Many of the existing extensions may not be compatible with the new version.
  • Themes and Design: It is possible that the current theme of your store needs to be replaced or adjusted to work properly with Opencart 4.

Custom Migration from OpenCart 3 to 4 Service

I understand that migrating your online store can be an intimidating process. That’s why I offer a complete migration service to Opencart 4. With my assistance, you can expect:

  • Total Migration: I will take care of the entire process, ensuring a smooth transition to the latest version of Opencart. When we say total means total, thas include all yours extensions if they dont have an Updated version.
  • Customization: Every business is unique, and my service is specifically tailored to your needs.
  • Continuous Support: I will provide you with assistance during and after the migration to resolve any issues that may arise.
  • Conserve your desing: We mantain your design after migration, in this way your customer don’t see the changes that you’ll aply on the process migration.

How to Start?

To start with the update from OpenCart 3 to 4, it is important that we get in touch and assess whether your store is suitable for this change:

  • Contact Me: Write to me to discuss the details of your current store and your specific needs.
  • Evaluation: We will review together the feasibility of the migration and plan the next steps.
  • Custom Migration: I will work closely with you to ensure a successful migration to Opencart 4.

Don’t let the update to Opencart 4 worry you! With my migration service, you will be on your way to a more modern and efficient store in no time. Write to me today to get started!

Backup Your Current OpenCart Store: The First Step

Before embarking on the OpenCart upgrade, it’s critical to secure your eCommerce store’s data. Here’s how to ensure your OpenCart store is thoroughly backed up:

We Migrate Your Store to Opencart

Is your hosting service already requiring you to migrate to PHP 8?

You don’t have to continue like this, don’t limit your growth opportunities

With our help, you can make a seamless and successful transition to Opencart You’ll lose nothing in the migration process.

Database Backup

  1. Access the Admin Dashboard: Navigate toSystem >Backup/Restore within your OpenCart admin dashboard.
  2. Create a Backup: Utilize this feature to create and download a backup of your store’s database in .sql format.
  3. Secure Storage: Save the .sql file to a secure location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage, to prevent any data loss.

File Backup

  • FTP Download: Connect to your store’s server using an FTP client.
  • Download Files: Carefully download all files from the OpenCart installation directory, including base files, modifications, and the uploads directory. This step is crucial to preserve your store’s current state and can be guided by OpenCart community forums.
  • Verify Backup: Ensure all files are downloaded and stored securely, ready to be restored if needed.

Regular Backup Schedule

  • Automate Backups: If possible, set up automated backups through your web host to maintain regular data safety.
  • Manual Backups: Otherwise, manually back up your store’s data regularly, especially before making significant changes or updates.

Restoration Process

  • Restoration: In the event of a data loss, select the appropriate backup file and click the ‘Restore’ button in the OpenCart admin dashboard.
  • Time Frame: Be aware that the restoration time may vary, so plan accordingly.

    By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your OpenCart store is backed up and secure, ready for the OpenCart upgrade. Remember, consistent backups are the best defense against data loss and a key step in maintaining a reliable online presence.

Download the Latest Version of OpenCart

To commence the OpenCart upgrade process, the first step is to obtain the latest OpenCart version. Ensuring you have the most recent release is key to leveraging the new features and security enhancements it offers. Here’s how to download the latest version of OpenCart:

Navigate to the Official OpenCart Download Page: Visit the OpenCart website and locate the ‘Download’ section to find all available versions of the software.

Selecting the Version:

  • For the newest features and updates, download OpenCart, released on July 9, 2022.
  • If you prefer a slightly earlier version, OpenCart, released on August 15, 2022, is also an option.
  • For those running older versions and looking for a more incremental update, OpenCart, released on February 4, 2021, is available for download.
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Download Process: Click on the desired version link to begin the download. The file will typically be in .zip format, which you will need to extract after the download is complete.

Prepare for Installation: Once downloaded, remember to check the file integrity and ensure that the download is complete without any corruption before proceeding with the OpenCart installation or upgrade.

By following these steps, you’ll have the latest OpenCart version ready for installation or upgrade. Remember, an OpenCart upgrade is a significant step in maintaining a secure and efficient online store, so it’s vital to use the latest opencart version available. With the opencart latest version, you can expect improved functionality and security, contributing to a smoother opencart migration and better user experience. Stay ahead in the eCommerce game by regularly updating opencart and keeping your platform up-to-date.

Upload and Install the Update

Once you have your current OpenCart store files and database backed up, and the latest OpenCart version downloaded and extracted, you’re ready to begin the OpenCart upgrade process. Here’s how to upload and install the update:

Uploading the New Files

  • Prepare the Files: After unzipping the OpenCart installer file, ensure you have all new files ready to upload. Importantly, excludeconfig.php andadmin/config.php to preserve your current configuration settings.
  • File Transfer: Use an FTP client to upload the new OpenCart files to your server. Overwrite the existing files in your OpenCart directory, except for the two config files mentioned above.

Pre-Upgrade Setup

  • Disable Extensions: Before proceeding with the upgrade, it’s advisable to disable all extensions. This step minimizes the risk of compatibility issues during the upgrade process.
  • Switch to Default Theme: Set your store theme back to the default. Custom themes may not be immediately compatible with the new OpenCart version, and reverting to the default theme ensures a smoother upgrade.

Initiating the Upgrade

  • Start the Upgrade: Navigate to in your web browser and select the ‘Upgrade’ option. This will initiate the OpenCart upgrade script.
  • Post-Upgrade Actions: After the upgrade is complete, clear your browser cookies and refresh your browser cache to prevent any display or functionality issues related to outdated files.

Post-Upgrade Configuration

  • Update User Groups: Access the admin panel to update user groups and settings. This ensures that permissions and roles are correctly set for the new OpenCart version.
  • Verify Store Front: Finally, visit your store front to confirm that the site is functioning correctly. Refresh your browser cache here as well to see the changes take effect.

    By following these steps, you will have completed the essential part of the OpenCart upgrade. Remember, upgrading OpenCart is more than just a technical necessity—it’s a strategic move to enhance your eCommerce platform’s capabilities. With the latest OpenCart version, you’re not only updating OpenCart; you’re future-proofing your online business.

Post-Update Configuration

Once the OpenCart upgrade is successfully completed, it’s imperative to perform several post-update configurations to ensure your store operates smoothly with the new version. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Secure Your Data: Immediately back up your database and files after the upgrade. This step is crucial as it helps in quick recovery in case any issues arise post-update.
  2. Update Extensions and Themes:
    • Check for any available updates for your extensions and themes to ensure compatibility with the new OpenCart version.
    • If updates are available, install them to avoid any potential conflicts or functionality issues.
  3. Configuration Files:
    • Rename the “config-dist.php” file to “config.php” at the root of your OpenCart installation.
    • Do the same for the “admin/config-dist.php” file, renaming it to “admin/config.php”.
    • These actions will update your store’s configuration files to work with the new version.
  4. Remove Installation Files:
    • For security reasons, remove the “install” directory from your server. This prevents unauthorized access and potential attacks.
  5. Server and Directory Security:
    • Implement the best security practices for your server and OpenCart store directory to protect against vulnerabilities.
  6. Install vQmod:
    • Consider installing vQmod to allow the addition of modules without modifying the core OpenCart code, thus maintaining a clean upgrade path for future updates.
  7. Community Support:
    • If you encounter any issues with your store’s installation or update, seek assistance on the OpenCart community forum. The community is a valuable resource for troubleshooting and support.

      By carefully following these steps, you’ll ensure that your OpenCart store is not only upgraded but also configured correctly for optimal performance and security. Remember, upgrading OpenCart is a process that extends beyond the installation of the new version; it encompasses ensuring that all aspects of your store are aligned with the latest OpenCart version, thereby securing your online business’s future.

Testing and Troubleshooting

In the pursuit of a seamless OpenCart upgrade, encountering hiccups along the way is not uncommon. To ensure you navigate through these with ease, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Enable Browser Features:
    • Confirm that JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser settings. These are essential for many OpenCart functionalities and can resolve a multitude of issues post-upgrade.
    • For detailed instructions on adjusting these settings, you can find guidance through resources like browser support pages and OpenCart’s own documentation.
  • Cloudflare Security Checks:
    • If accessing certain parts of your OpenCart store prompts a Cloudflare security check, complete the necessary Captcha verification to proceed.
    • This is a standard procedure to ensure safe browsing and protect your site from malicious activities. For more information on Cloudflare’s role in OpenCart, explore Cloudflare’s support resources.
  • Understanding Ray IDs:
    • Should you come across a Ray ID error message, note that these are unique identifiers for separate sessions with Cloudflare and are useful when seeking support.
    • Each Ray ID, such as85baeb0458e5084c, corresponds to a specific interaction and can be used to troubleshoot issues with Cloudflare’s assistance. You can learn more about Ray IDs and their relevance to troubleshooting on Cloudflare’s community pages.

      By following these steps, you can address common issues that may arise during or after an OpenCart upgrade. It’s important to remember that upgrading OpenCart, while technical, is an integral part of maintaining a robust and secure eCommerce platform. Integrating these troubleshooting measures into your upgrade process will help ensure that your transition to the latest OpenCart version is as smooth as possible.

Opencart 3 to 4 update: final words

Through the detailed steps provided in this guide, updating OpenCart 3 to 4 has been demystified, allowing you to capitalize on new features for your eCommerce platform. The strategic emphasis placed on backing up data, downloading the correct version, and handling post-update configurations underscores the vital nature of meticulous preparation in ensuring a successful upgrade. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also fortifies the security and efficiency of your online store.

The journey towards updating OpenCart culminates in a reinforced understanding that this process is more than a technical necessity—it’s a powerful enhancement to your eCommerce strategy. It’s essential to maintain vigilance in ongoing store management, staying attuned to the latest updates and community support offered. Ultimately, an updated OpenCart store is a well-oiled machine, ready to meet the dynamic demands of the digital marketplace and drive your business forward.


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