We Migrate Your Store to Opencart

Is your hosting service already requiring you to migrate to PHP 8?

You don’t have to continue like this, don’t limit your growth opportunities

With our help, you can make a seamless and successful transition to Opencart You’ll lose nothing in the migration process.

We help you migrate your store to Opencart

Undoubtedly, it is a superior platform with a wide range of benefits and advanced features. Here we list just a few of the benefits:

Greater efficiency and speed

Opencart is significantly faster, providing a fluid user experience that can lead to an increase in conversions.

Greater compatibility

With support for PHP 8, you can take advantage of the latest features and benefits that this technology offers.

Modular code structure

It improves platform customization, facilitates updates, and improves code cleanliness and efficiency.

"Benefits of Migrating to Opencart"

Opencart offers a variety of benefits for online store owners.

You’ll find a more dynamic and powerful online store waiting for you after the migration.

We help you migrate your store to Opencart

Our Opencart  migration service guarantees a complete and seamless transition. And when we say complete, we mean everything: extensions, themes, and database

We handle every detail so your business doesn’t suffer interruptions and you can keep focusing on what matters most: your customers.

Keep the Best of Your Current Store with Our Migration

We understand how much the appearance and functionality of your store matters to you. That’s why our Opencart migration is not just about moving your store to a new platform, but about preserving its essence. We ensure the preservation of your website’s design after migration. 

Transform your store with the confidence that your brand’s DNA will remain the same.

Migration Plans Suited to Your Needs

Every eCommerce business is unique, and so are its migration needs. We’ve structured diverse migration plans to cater to the distinct needs of your business during the transition to Opencart 3.03.9.

We’ve got a plan that fits right into your requirements.

Explore our options and choose the one that aligns best with your vision and goals.

Lite plan


Basic Migration


Additional migration for non-native OpenCart tables/fields will be quoted separately.

Premium plan

Complete Migration of your
whole Opencart’s Store


Final price is negotiated with the client based on specific requirements.

Medium plan


Basic Migration + Theme Migration


  1. The theme must be compatible with the OpenCart version being migrated to.
  2. Additional theme developments will be quoted separately.
  3. The client must provide the installation package for the theme.

Learn More About Our Migration Service

Interested in taking your store to the next level?

Get more details about our complete Opencart migration service.

We transfer everything, from your favorite extensions and themes to your database, without interruptions.

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